1. Press your flowers.
STEP 1: Make sure to start this process right away so that your flowers are still fresh.
STEP 2: Unwrap your bouquet, carefully cutting any ties and tape.
STEP 3: Lay the blooms and greenery on wax paper the way you would want each individual stem in your frame. For example, if you want to see the side profile of a bloom or the top profile, make sure to place them in a way you can see that profile of the flower. Once they are pressed you won’t be able to change them.
STEP 4: Add another piece of wax paper to the top of the flower and press them in the pages of a heavy book or with something flat and heavy.
STEP 5: Leave to dry for 7-10 days under the heavy flat object. Once they are flat and dry, you can arrange them however you want them in your frame.
2. Air dry your flowers.
STEP 1: Make sure to start this process right away so that your flowers are still fresh.
STEP 2: Unwrap your bouquet, carefully cutting any ties and tape.
STEP 3: Hang stems upside down one by one so each stem has the best form possible for at least one week. If the space you are hanging them is colder, leave them for an extra week.
STEP 4: Arrange them in a vase or create a wreath with them! You can add the ribbon back into your arrangement!
3. Use silica gel to dry your flowers.
STEP 1: Silica gel preserves your flowers true form and is the best way to keep the color of your original bouquet.
STEP 2: Purchase silica gel from a craft store or online. STEP 3: Fill the base of an airtight container with silica gel.
STEP 4: Unwrap your bouquet and place your blooms in the gel.
STEP 5: Gently pour the gel around the petals, being careful to keep the shape of your blooms. Fill all the way to the top and seal with a lid.
STEP 6: Make sure your container is airtight so that your flowers don’t mold.
STEP 7: After one week, remove the flowers, arrange them how you would like and spray with an artists fixative spray or hairspray.
4. Have your flowers painted.
STEP 1: A great way to preserve the memory of your bouquet is to have it painted!
STEP 2: Select one of your favorite photos of your bouquet from your wedding day.
STEP 3: Reach out to your favorite artist and ask them to paint a depiction of your flowers. It can be as realistic or artistic as you want!